Thursday, August 27, 2020
Bon marché - French Expression
Bon marchã © - French Expression Articulation: Bon marchã © Articulation: [ bo(n) deface shay] Which means: reasonable, modest Exacting interpretation: great arrangement Register: typical Notes The French articulation bon marchã © may be deciphered by either economical or modest. Like the last mentioned, bon marchã © can be both positive (demonstrating a sensible cost) and negative (offending the items quality). Bon marchã © is constant in sexual orientation and number: it doesn't change to concur with the thing it alters. Models  â â Je cherche un cadeau bon marchã ©.    Im searching for a modest blessing.   â â Avez-vous des voitures bon marchã © ?    Do you have any modest vehicles? Be that as it may, bon marchã © can be made near and standout:  â â Je prã ©fã ¨re la tã ©lã ©vision meilleur marchã ©, mã ªme si elle est un peu in addition to modest.    I lean toward the less expensive TV, despite the fact that its somewhat littler.   â â Il an achetã © les chaussures les meilleur marchã ©.    He purchased the most affordable shoes. ​Synonyms (Positive and Negative) un bon compatibility qualitã ©-prix - great valueune bonne affaire - great dealun prix avantageux - deal pricepas cher - inexpensiveune mauvaise affaire - terrible dealla pacotille - modest bit of garbage More Articulations with bonFrench shopping vocabularyMost regular French phrasesInvariable descriptive words
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analytical Review And Research On Group Assignment
Questions: 1. Accept that your group is answerable for arranging the review for both Wesfarmers (yearended 30 June 2014) and Virgin(year finished 30 June 2014) talk about your techniques inrelation the inquiries noted underneath: (a). Recognize in any event three (3) inborn dangers that you would have considered for each companyin the review arranging stage and legitimize your answer (b). What review systems as well as undertakings would you have plan to complete in light of theinherent dangers recognized by you in (An) above? (c). Complete an investigative audit on the fiscal reports of these organizations in theplanning stage and recognize zones of concern (high hazard or issue zones) or solace. Justifyyour answer - distinguish at any rate three (3) focuses for each organization. (d). What review systems or potentially undertakings would you have intended to do because of thehigh dangers or issue zones distinguished by you in (C) above? On the other hand, according to which areawould you have limited your proof social event method? (e). An Independent Auditors Report to the Members has been given for each organization: (I) Identify the sort of review supposition gave by every examiner, and legitimize your answer. (ii) Do you concur with the sort of supposition gave by the examiner? Why or why not? Pleaseindicate an elective review sentiment on the off chance that you don't concur with the one gave. (iii) Are there some other issues or occasions that have occurred after the issue of the review reportthat reinforces or debilitates the inspectors conclusion? (f). Comparable to corporate administration inquire about and legitimize your response to the accompanying inquiries: (I) Do the above organizations have any procedure identifying with corporate administration? (ii) Under which segment of the yearly report would you hope to discover data on it? (iii) Do the organizations have a review board and does it have the right arrangement? (iv) In your assessment, are review boards good for the evaluator, the organization, the auditingprofession as well as society overall? 2. In your own words (as a gathering/group) quickly clarify/answer the inquiries underneath andjustify your answer in each occurrence: (a) What you (as a gathering/group) comprehend by review quality? (b) Do you believe that review quality is a significant issue? Why or why not? (c) Do you believe that the chiefs as well as the review board of trustees help review quality? Provided that this is true, how? (d) The CAANZ (previously ICAA) in a record titled The Benefit of Audit: A Guide to AuditQuality recognized five drivers of review quality. What are these five drivers? Do they have anyimpact on review quality? (e) Do you accept that writing of the above nature will be good for the evaluator, theauditing calling and additionally society all in all? Why or why not? Answers: 1. (a) To build up the general review plan, the evaluator, ought to assess the dangers inborn in the Financial Statement level. To build up the review program, the examiner must relate such assessment of material record adjusts and different classes of exchanges at the declaration level. In the referenced 2 organizations, 3 characteristic dangers that I would have considered are: I. Frail inward control framework: I may have discernment that inner controls of the organization are acceptable; anyway in real the inside controls of the organization are not all that powerful to distinguish/identify the danger of extortion or miss-occurring. ii. Test chose for examining while at the same time arranging review may not mirror the genuine example of the exchanges and this is one of the greatest characteristic danger of the organization. iii. Distortion of the budget reports: Financial Statements might be mis-introduced or mis-expressed; the explanation behind this might be absence of comprehension among the bookkeeping staff or might be because of multifaceted nature of exchanges. iv. Inspector, to a constrained degree in his removal so as to limit the inalienable dangers, has the accompanying plan of action. (b) Auditor should refresh his insight on most recent version of different themes, for example, laws, guidelines, and so forth, complete information on the client's business, exhaustive comprehension of the basic zones. Evaluator should practice appropriate consideration in choosing his own staff and determination of their preparation strategy. Evaluator should structure exhaustive review technique, arranging, program, ought to be constant in choosing the redistributing office, for example, experts. (c) Three concern zones or solace zones for every Wesfarmers Ltd. also, Virgin Australia Ltd. are: The principal concern involves that the Westfarmers obligation is very generous which can bring about the absence of profitability of their business tasks since they would need to pay the money to reduce their obligation commitments. Other than this, their coal deal is likewise an incredible worry for them as it isn't sufficient. The third concern could be that inside Australia, numerous organizations utilize distinctive bookkeeping strategies. In the event that correlation is made between in any event two organizations, at that point this would bring about the improvement of wrong suppositions. For Virgin Australia Ltd.: The primary concern would incorporate the way that the speculators and directors would depend on the budgetary proportions and the numbers as it were. While taking a gander at this, it won't generally give the entire picture for the organization Virgin Australia Ltd. The subsequent concern could be the distinctions in the financial years. Organizations can have the alternative of using a monetary year rather than a schedule year to account. What's more, if the financial year is finishing at an alternate time for two organizations during examination, it is hard to make an exact correlation of such organizations. Another worry could be the issue while taking a gander at the fiscal reports that one may not be getting a definite image of what the organization Virgin Australia would speak to. It would be hard for the organization to fit in to a specific order for the organizations. (d) While choosing the review strategies the inspector ought to consider the realities dependent on the danger of material contain blunders. The higher the evaluator's appraisal of hazard, the more dependable and pertinent is the review proof looked for by the reviewer of the meaningful methodology. This may influence both the sorts of review methodology to be performed and their blend. For instance, the inspector may affirm the respectability, the provisions of an agreement with an outsider, notwithstanding the assessment speaking to the report and getting organization. (e) Independent Audit Report: I. Review assessment gave by every examiner is unfit, as there is no significant concern with respect to any review issue. ii. I concur with the sort of review assessment gave by the examiners as there is valid and reasonable portrayal of budget reports of the organizations. iii. No there are no such issues after review report which can fortify or debilitate the sentiment. (f) Corporate Governance Research I. Truly, both the organizations consent to the second version of theASX Corporate Governance Councils Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations discharged in August 2007 with 2010 amendments(ASX Principles) ii. Under Operating and money related survey segment of the yearly report you would hope to discover data on it iii. Truly, the organizations have a review panel and it has the right arrangement. iv. Truly, review panels are good for the evaluator, the organization, the inspecting calling or potentially society in general as it gives autonomous view, it gives the bearing which is gainful for both organization and society. 2. (an) Over the previous 20 years, a few specialists have attempted to look into and characterize review quality. Be that as it may, there is still no agreement on what comprises nature of the review or how to quantify it. This is because of the nature of review depends on recognitions and those discernments rely upon whose perspectives are mulled over. Taking into account that it is so hard to characterize review quality, scientists, controllers and professionals frequently allude to the nature of the review by disavowal, similar to with regards to characterizing autonomy, as it seems to be no nature of the review. Review quality has been important to scientists for over two decades. Much is referred to about review quality because of that examination, yet there is still a lot of space for future research. The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board distributed an interview record for open remark in order to renew some discourse and spotlight on activities those inspectors, controllers and others can take to accomplish ceaseless improvement in the nature of the review. The IAASB says he needs to introduce the key components of review quality and cultivating different partners - not simply inspectors - to do their part to search for approaches to improve review quality (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, 2014) (b) Audit quality is a significant issue in view of the accompanying reasons: I. It satisfies your trustee obligation; ii. It gets monetary affirmation identified with the trustworthiness of financed programs iii. It recognizes all conceivable resistance issues iv. It brings down the danger of future resistance v. It manufactures generosity among different partners like citizens, contributors, investors, and so forth vi. It reinforces the capacity to make sure about financing later on. Review quality is fundamental for money related markets run easily. This paper hypothetically analyzes how examining measures requiring a base degree of review quality influence serious open organization review showcase. In our condition, quality review alludes to subjectively review better, as opposed to more review. Normal models incorporate autonomy or Competency of the review firm; the two models are various standards identified with planning the base satisfactory quality levels. We model a domain in which request review quality is carefully determined by client request (i.e., there is the examiner's obligation), top Review quality less expensive draws in speculators through improved guarantees with regards to reality of the customer monetary position; the higher the nature of the review, the lower the ri
Friday, August 21, 2020
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Organic Food Environmental Sciences Essay
Favorable circumstances And Disadvantages Of Organic Food Environmental Sciences Essay Natural Food is about the nourishment are planted and raised with no ordinary non-natural pesticides, development hormones, compound repining, nourishment illumination, and hereditary adjusts, fixing and no hydrogenated fats, which are legitimately identified with increment the level of infection. Natural nourishment contains just seven most harmless characteristic added substances in 7,000 of fake added substance. Natural nourishment has not been related with any instance of food contamination at whatever year since the Center for ailment control Prevention record started. (RENEE ELLIOTT) As of late, Organic nourishment is pulling in purchaser in light of the non-compound treated, new, and insignificantly prepared nourishment. The vast majority of the natural produce needs to purchase from the rancher or the cultivator, yet now natural item is shown in the greater part of the grocery store and a considerable lot of the littler general store have a couple of committed racks for well known natural thing, for example, natural products of the soil, crude pure sweetener, soy sauce, raisin, stick noodles, rice, and furthermore natural newborn child recipe which is milk powder for the infant. Due with the interest for natural nourishment is expanding, there are numerous natural nourishment are import from different nations. Be that as it may, buyer is difficult to comprehend or uncertain the security of the import natural nourishment, so the item marking which is been ensured natural and the confirmed natural is the main way that purchaser can realize that the prepared of item is natural. For the distinctive nation have diverse natural declaration and rule framework to process the item, universal Federal of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM) is the overall association for the natural development and endorsement framework, joining in excess of 750 part association in 116 nations, is laying the preparation for the further improvement of natural horticulture and market around the world, to unite the key player from everywhere throughout the planet to encourage exchange natural market. Fascinating in natural nourishment and cultivating in high somewhat because of the way that individuals are better educated about sustenance, progressively worried about the earth and increasingly mindful about the present moment and long haul impact of diet on wellbeing than whenever in past. Family units information about elective farming are bound to buy natural produce (Govindasamy and Italia, 1990) and those worried about the earth are bound to buy natural apples (Loureiro et al., 2001). Those two appreciate attempting new item are bound to buy natural produce (Govindasamy and Italia, 1990). Hence, natural market and natural cultivating have become another pattern far and wide. Natural Farming The natural cultivating is to flexibly the pattern that request from the purchaser of top notch, high sustenance esteem, and the security item. Also, due with this market, natural rancher need to follow the framework that had been create. Furthermore, natural cultivating isn't for developing the natural item and furthermore a framework for the agro-environment wellbeing; government has acquainted better cultivating rehearses with lessen the utilization of the concoction and unsafe substances. What is natural cultivating? (CAC 2001) Natural agribusiness depends on all encompassing creation the executives frameworks which advance and improve agro-environment wellbeing, including bio-decent variety, organic cycles, and soil natural to the utilization of off-ranch inputs, considering that provincial conditions require privately adjusted frameworks. This is practiced by utilizing, where conceivable, culture, organic and mechanical techniques, rather than engineered materials, to satisfy any exceptional capacity inside the framework. A natural creation framework is intended to: Upgrade organic assorted variety inside the entire framework Increment soil natural action Keep up long haul soil richness Reuse misuse of plant and creature birthplace so as to return supplement to the land, along these lines limiting the utilization of non-sustainable asset Depend on sustainable assets in privately sorted out farming framework Advance the solid use soil, water and air well as limiting all type of contamination that may result from horticultural practices Handle horticultural item with accentuation on cautious preparing strategy on request to keep up the natural honesty and crucial characteristics of the item at all stages Become set up on any current ranch through a time of transformation, the suitable length of which is dictated by site-explicit factor, for example, the historical backdrop of the land and the kind of harvests and animals to be created. Table 1.1 Organic Farming [Source: Stephan, D. Anna, M.H Raffaele, Z., (2004) Organic Farming: approaches and Prospects] 1.2.1 The benefit of Organic cultivating The natural cultivating utilizing an ecologically benevolent technique for cultivating that permit the development of harvests and raising of animals without harm to the ranch as an environment, remembering impacts for soil, water supplies, biodiversity, or other encompassing regular assets. Other than that, natural cultivating is an environmental creation the executives framework to advance and upgrade biodiversity, organic cycles and soil natural movement, and consequently improves the wellbeing and strength of cultivating framework. It depends on forestalling and lessening utilization of off-ranch contributions on the board rehearses that reestablish, keep up and upgrade natural amicability. From that point, it can assist with adjusting beneficial cultivating exercises are totally liberated from buildups yet all the strategy are utilized to limit contamination from air, soil and water. In natural cultivating, that is number of techniques are utilized to keep up soil ripeness. Yield turn, which guarantees the harvest, doesn't exhaust the dirt of the supplements that it utilizes most and spread yields to secure against soil disintegration. The planting of extraordinary harvests know as green excrements that are furrowed go into the dirt to advance it and the expansion of matured creature fertilizers and plant squanders, otherwise called manure too the dirt (Worthington, 2001). Figure1: Mean percent expansion mineral substance in natural contrast with show Natural cultivating isn't just to deliver the plant and animals to the buyer in a similar time, natural rancher is additionally utilizing a strategy to secure the earth to decrease the contamination from the other business. The richness the executives practice is the expansion of natural issue to the dirt from the plant and creature squanders, to protect the dirt structure and give nourishment to soil microorganisms. With these techniques, soil supplements are discharged gradually after some time. 1.2.2 Disadvantage of Organic cultivating Natural cultivating has a decent framework on plating and domesticated animals, and accompany many profit yet at the same time endure with hardly any issue: The UN Environment program led an investigation and study on natural cultivating in 2008, which inferred that cultivating by natural strategies gives little yields when contrast with regular cultivating techniques. Danish Environment Protection Agency directed an exploration and reasoned that the natural ranches which produce potatoes, seed grass and sugar beet are scarcely creating half of the all out yield delivered by ordinary cultivating, in a similar zone. Natural farming is not really adding to tending to the issue of worldwide environmental change. It reduces CO2 outflow to a limited degree, however there is no emotional commitment. In light of the issue, we can comprehend that regular cultivating which is non-natural cultivating is prepared with the substance compost the other development hormones, which is to give the plant or animals development quickly and more grounded in this way the producer can get more revolution on reaping and ensure the plant and back are gorgeous. What's more, in a similar time the regular cultivating is harming the earth with the substance and those development hormones. 1.3 Non-natural cultivating Non-natural cultivating can be characterized as customary cultivating, and traditional cultivating is distinctive with natural cultivating as we notice previously. The prepared of the Conventional cultivating is an in a roundabout way approach to contamination condition with the concoction manure or the development hormone. In America alone, the agribusiness business evaluated to use more than 800 million pounds of ordinary pesticides every year, and all around more than 160 million tons of traditional manure every year. These reason the most mischief to nature (Om Organic, 2010). The substance spillover from the fields has tainting surface and ground water, harm fisheries, and annihilate freshwater environment. It has likewise made developing no man's land in parts of seas near stream mouth that channel horticulture areas. Customary cultivating process on artificially developed nourishment, there has been a significant upward pattern in the occurrence of maladies related with introduction to poisonous compound in deutries social orders. Natural nourishment cantains less deposits of pesticides utilized in customary agribusiness, so purchasing natural is one approach to decrease the opportunity that your nourishment contains these pesticides (Sir John, 2003). Figure2: The malignancy rate rates in New South Wales The Figure 2 indicated that information on the quantity of new disease cases in New South Wales, Australia has been gathered by the New South Wales Central Cancer Registry. That somewhere in the range of 1972 and 2004 the rate of new disease cases every year has ascended from 323 to 488 for each 100,000 individuals. This is an expansion of over half in only 32 years. Ladies with bosom malignancy are five to multiple times are probably going to have pesticides deposits in their blood than the individuals who don't. 18 past investigations have demonstrated that those with word related presentation to pesticides have higher paces of disease. 19 21 the clear connection between hormone subordinate malignancy, such are those of the bosom and prostate, might be through endocrine upsetting synthetics intensifies that misleadingly influence the hormone framework, for example, 2.4D and Atrazine. The UK fundamental logical association prescribes that human presentation to EDCs (particularly during pregnancy) ought to be limited on grounds of reasonability (The Royal Society) Moreover, there are 500
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Russian Revolution Tsar s Incompetent Leadership
Russian Revolution: Tsar’s Incompetent Leadership In order for a great leader to succeed, he/she must recognizes the aspirations of his/her people and maintain an efficient government. Leaders who do not achieve those will most likely to rule poorly and often lead to destruction of their regimes. Their failures as leaders included policies that either pleased or benefited the people. During the early 18th century, tsar Nicholas II, took reign and caused chronic discontents brewing throughout Russia. His actions were seen as obstinate such as his managements of society and economy. With Russia’s poor economy resulted from WWI and increasing burden of tsar for industrial workers and soldiers, the provisional government was at stake. Growing civil unrest, coupled with chronic food shortages, erupted into revolts of peasants, forcing the abdication of Nicholas II. By the end of the nineteenth century, the economy, social organizations and military were at great decline, ending Russia’s long term imperial rule. It became t he least advanced of the major European nations in political and social developments. However, some historians believed that the Revolution was caused by the government’s political oppression, while others claimed that it was the inability of tsar to fulfill Russia s aspirations. While the utter political failures of WWI escalated paths to the Revolution, the primary cause for the Russian Revolution of 1917 was the revival of socio-economic tensions andShow MoreRelatedThe August Revolution ( Russian ) Essay1527 Words  | 7 PagesThe February Revolution (Russian: à ¤Ã µÃ ²Ã'ۈ °ÃŒ à »Ã'Å'Ã' à ºÃ °Ã' Ã'ۈ µÃ ²Ã ¾Ã »Ã'ŽÌ Ã'†à ¸Ã' ; IPA: [fÊ ²Ã‰ ªvˈralÊ ²skÉ™jÉ™ rÊ ²Ã‰ ªvÉ ˈlÊ ²utsÉ ¨jÉ™], known in Soviet historiography as the February Bourgeois Democratic Revolution[2]) was the first of two revolutions in Russia in 1917. It was centered on Petrograd (now known as St. Petersburg), then Russian capital, on Women s Day in March (l ate February in the Julian calendar).[3] The revolution was confined to the capital and its vicinity, and lasted less than a week. It involved mass demonstrationsRead MoreThe Role of the Bolsheviks for the Decline and Fall of the Romanov Dynasty.2091 Words  | 9 PagesEssay: The Russian Revolution (Task 1) Assess the role of the Bolsheviks for the decline and fall of the Romanov dynasty. The beginning of the 20th century brought radical changes to the social and political structure of autocratic Russia. It was a period of regression, reform, revolution and eradication. Eradication of a blood line that had remained in rule for over 300 years; the Romanov Dynasty. The central figure of this eradication was Tsar Nicholas II, often described as an incompetent leaderRead MoreThe Russian Revolution Of Russia1823 Words  | 8 Pagesbe the Tsar of Russia, the political situation has never been stable. Trace to the causes, most of them are power struggles among nobles and their armies, however large-scale public riots didn t appear. During the year of 1905, the situation changed. People’s discontent has been accumulated to a critical point; the Tsar’s status seemed to be overturned. What led the Russian people, which was passive and cowardice, started Russian revolution in 1905? Long term inducement ï ¬ Leadership Since 1613Read MoreWorld War One was the Deciding Factor in the Collapse of Tsarism in Russia2428 Words  | 10 PagesTsarism in Russia and the end of over 100 years of Romanov rule. By the time the war broke out in 1914 almost every section of Russian society felt betrayed by the autocracy, in particular the peasants and the growing number of urban workers. The peasants increasingly resented being exploited by the nobility and governing elite, and although Tsar Alexander II had started to make reforms beginning with the Emancipation act in 1861, most of these reforms had little or no
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay about matter of age in relationships
How Important is Age for Relationships? Many people feel uncomfortable when they see a couple where one partner is much older than the other one – irrespectively of who of them belongs to which gender. It just doesn’t occur for the majority that people belonging to different generations may have enough in common for creating a really serious relationship. The actual attitude towards this or that participant of such a relation differs with the person – some consider a younger one to be a fortune-hunter trying to win an older fool, or the older one is considered to be a â€Å"cradle-grabber†or something, appealed by the youth and beauty and trying to relive one’s own younger years. It isn’t usual for the onlookers to expand the realm of such relationship beyond sex and self-interest. Yet, how true it is? Why two people belonging to different ages should be stopped from being together if they feel that they can cope with it? There is, of course, the issue of responsibility – older people are usually more responsible and reasonable than younger ones, and may thus treat younger people as not mature enough. Good for them! The main thing about this problem, as it is with the majority of problems that interest people nowadays, is that nobody forces such a relationship on you. You are free to choose whatever you like. If you prefer people much younger or much older than you – suit yourself, and nobody has any rights to tell you off. Yet, how true it is? Why two people belonging to different ages should be stopped from being together if they feel that they can cope with it? There is, of course, the issue of responsibility – older people are usually more responsible and reasonable than younger ones, and may thus treat younger people as not mature enough. Good for them! The main thing about this problem, as it is with the majority of problems that interest people nowadays, is that nobody forces such a relationship on you. You are free to choose whatever you like. If you prefer But if something finally goes wrong, you shouldn’t blame the age gap or something like this. It was your own decision; it could have worked out but it didn’t; the age is not to blame – the people are. If everyone were reasonable, responsible and minded his own business – how nice our life would have been.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Csr - 1304 Words
What are the major factors that lead a enterprise winning in overall of business today? Business experts will cite everything from high level of loyalty to personalized, mobile-friendly, shopping experience.Those considerations are certainly important. But apart from those, one thing may built good reputation for companies is that use profit to do good things in the world. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is about a question of how does good business make a better society in future. CSR is not just about charity it refers to a business practice that involves participating in initiatives that benefit society). The main purpose of CSR institueion is to find out problem and develop understanding of the relationship between enterprise,†¦show more content†¦Its especially for those businesses that operating internationally with labor law that differ from USA. In the rest part of essay, example of companies which are operating CSR welly will be present. Coca cola is one of biggest company in the world and it introduced their CSR report since 2008. They focus and plans to reduce the level of energy they consume and minimize their carbon emission, to be an example company in environment protecting when cooperate with communities, universities and states. The result of it is pretty positive: they accomplished 122,104 kW/h electricity consumption and reduction on CO2 emission with green IT projects including consolidations of server , virtualizations of server, distribution optimization, imprint and display.In 2011, Coca Cola was the only company from the food and soft drink sector in China to be included in the Carbon Disclosure Project. Coca Cola also was one of top five company which produce lest carbon emission in China alongside the biggest banks In addition, Coca Cola aims to inspire and promote their workers to accomplish outstanding results by providing happy, safe, and motivating workplace. Further detail of it: CCL(Coca Cola) provided a working environment without any form of discrimination, reach the criterion of domestic and international working environment rights, it achieved a fine working place where can improve employees and make them become more qualified workforce. By the end of 2012,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Dave Matthews Band - Stand Up free essay sample
Dave Matthews Bands Stand Up is a complete album. In other terms, its not an album that a listener will by just to hear one or two songs. From the first track to the last track, each song has its own distinct virtues that will hook the listener and make him or her want to hear more. A listener could get lost in this smooth rock album for hours. Dave Matthews Band, referred to as DMB by fans, has a reoccurring theme throughout Stand Up that all listeners are able to relate to; the longing for the ideal women. With this theme in mind, DMB starts off the album with the perfect song, Dreamgirl. Right from the start, the listener will immediately become infatuated with Dave Matthews voice and the melody of the song flow together. If you loved the first song, the best is still yet to come as Old Dirt Hill and American Baby are next. We will write a custom essay sample on Dave Matthews Band Stand Up or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The first half of the album is wrapped up with a more upbeat song, Everybody Wake Up. The second half of the album is mixed with some more of the smooth rock (Out of My Hands and Stolen Away on 55th and 3rd) and also the more upbeat type of rock (Hello Again and You Might Die Trying). This album is definitely my favorite because it always puts me in a good mood while I listen. It never grows old and never ceases to put a smile on my face. Whether or not youve already heard Dave Matthews Band before, you will grow to love the lyrics and melodies.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Russian flowers of evil Review Essay Example
Russian flowers of evil Review Paper Essay on Russian flowers of evil Russian flowers of evil is an anthology composed of works of Victor Yerofeyev Russian writers of the last quarter of the XX century. Here and Varlam Shalamov, and Benedict Erofeev and Petsuh Vyacheslav and Tatyana Tolstaya all sorts and, of course, best friends Yerofeyev Prigov amp; Sorokin The anthology was published as a whole in volume 24 of the author. and individual Tomiki. I came with a collection venechkom Yerofeyev, Valery Popov and Sasha Sokolov. And, unfortunately, judging by this particular fact, the domestic postmodernist seeks to build a Kafkaesque castles and turns poshlenkogo bathhouse with spiders. In this particular Tomiko 5 stories. Benedict Erofeev Vasily Rozanov eyes eccentric, Valery Popov Love the tiger, mediator, I become terrible and Sasha Sokolov -. The disturbing doll Venechka least impulsive herein belogoryachechnoy phantasmagoria familiarity with the works of Vasily Rozanov:?! We will write a custom essay sample on Russian flowers of evil Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Russian flowers of evil Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Russian flowers of evil Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer - it is reactionary, of course, hardened Yeshe would And nothing more rabid No there is nothing more rabid a terry,?. more offensive there is none Petals and odious nowhere -. The beauty of what obscurantism -.? From the brain to the bone, said to the girl. ruined their lives in the name of religious chimeras -? Darling. - ruined God rest his soul.. (Benedict Erofeev, Vasily Rozanov eyes eccentric) And as usual yurodstvuyusche forgiving? - do not torment, buddy, why worry Stop shaking, impulsive you people have of you every day about thirty freestyle sins! , pieces of a hundred and thirty involuntary, take care first of them. youre there to lament the sins of the world and tyagchit herself with them? First Turn to your own. In general madness sons of men, there is a place for your (as you sweetly put it?) pripizdnutosti. the world always anxious and the lives' (Benedict EROFEY in, Vasily Rozanov eyes eccentric) And Sasha Sokolov poetic and philological wonderful, tells the story of the chrysalis language Words describing a butterfly metatext? ! What a bobble Instead, to be born and grow up in an incomparable Buenos Aires, where instead of the? Como Esta usto everyone is asking each other: Como Estan dos Aires and say: Gracias, Gracias Muy buenos and where vedomalchik newspaper Oh pointedly read it without a dictionary and in addition travels without hands, and the conductor an ordinary streetcar conductor memory recites passengers passages Octavio Paz that is, instead of having to show up there, among the erudite and refined, and become a citizen by the name of Jorge Borges, and indeed, no, n godite in Upsade in a nondescript Upsade or anywhere near at the edge of the Gothic gloomy wisdom and slyvya Professor Lars Backstrom, be them in the name of the lovely Aurora of the glorious family Borealis selflessly do fortune telling, called Svensk poesy; or here : I do not seek nor Rome, following Athens in unspeakable Jerusalem: about radiant childhood outdoors Dolorosa, among the chains and traditions O Lord, so that there is in Jerusalem, to leave him alone until next year, because you can come and under in a lab smelling falafel Bethlehem, and not p eispolnennoy former greatness and mules Afula, and not to cheer Sodom and long life as if nothing had happened while chatting with friends ekkleziastovym language, become a master of the guild Amos Oz; In short, instead of that whatsoever of the above, or something in the same lofty and unearthly spirit is also live God knows where babbling, babbling, pletesh nonsense borzopishesh and even fall in love, even delusional to the most ordinary Russian and suddenly, unable to look, you find an unknown person, anyone, rather, by none other than himself. Blatantly (Sasha Sokolov Panic doll ) That Valery Popov, who gave the lions collection share, raises consumer real absurdity in the grotesque, but still, and remains on the mundane level. And for me, and generally it looks senseless and merciless that in Love tiger, he will talk about the emerging class of new Russian. (best of all in the story tiger Love ​​a description of how new plumbing pound for scrap, which is sold ushlomu Japanese) in . mediator tells about how the poet becomes a part of the nomenclature, which is displayed as Closing the Commission in the monastery for religious affairs. And I become terrible or Transformation or Diaboliad, but some unconvincing attempt to pass for something similar. It seemed to me not the best introduction to the Russian turned weeds of evil. Because of that, I really made a strong desire to become better acquainted with the works of Sokolov, did not spoil the impression of venechkom (let the story and a few boring and clumsy) and lost any interest in Popov. Although it may be just a bad choice of stories? ..
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
The Freedom Writers Diary Essays
The Freedom Writers Diary Essays The Freedom Writers Diary Essay The Freedom Writers Diary Essay The Freedom Writers Essay- Chloe Taylor How are different cultures represented in Freedom Writers? What values and attitudes do we draw from the film and its background? Cultures are shown and exposed to us in various ways everyday. Different cultures are represented in different ways in the Western Society. In the movie Freedom Writers, we witness this cultural conflict on a first hand basis. Urban youths in Freedom Writers heavily rely on respect to judge others. They also judge based on each other’s cultural back ground. Later in the film, these same teenagers begin to value education and the sense of belonging in school, rather than belonging in gangs. Gangs and groups are a part of the Western Society that we have had to learn to accept in our lives. In the feature film Freedom Writers, we are shown gangs divided up into cultures and cultural backgrounds. This has built up a lot of tension between cultures and attitudes towards other gangs. The scene in which all the students enter room 203 and take seats into their separate corners of the room divided into their certain corners of the room shows the division between students in a real life. We see a long shot of the whole classroom showing its layout and the segregation between gangs. Then multiple mid-shots are shown of the gang itself and its individual members to decipher the multiple gangs, their attitudes towards school and their way of life. Even though the students start their school year with an attitude of ignorance towards other cultures they begin to learn the value of each individual and change their point of view and their gangs and cooperate with their cultures. People may argue that respect is something that has to be earned, it is not automatic. In the 1992 Los Angeles’s race riots, respect was something that was taken for granted, as it was essential for their society. In Freedom Writers, Ms Gruwell demanded respect immediately. Not surprisingly the students refused to give it to her and why should they of, they didn’t know anything about Ms Gruwell. Towards the end of the film we see that Ms Gruwell has gradually gained the respect she wanted from her class. We are shown this in a first hand basis as Andre, a gang member, calls Ms Gruwell ‘Mam’. She takes this as an offence and claims she is not anyone’s mother; Eva soon corrects her and states that it was a ‘sign of respect to you’. This scene is shown to us by a series of close up shots of Andre, Ms Gruwell and Eva. This is purposely done to capture the changing emotion in the characters face. The students of room 203 value Ms Gruwell not only as a teacher and a person and this is reflected in their attitude and behaviour. We all know what racism is and have most likely been subjected to it or witnessed it at one time in our lives. Racism is more prominent in schools and work places although random attacks of racist acts can also be seen in the streets or at public places where the offender and the victim may not even know each other. In the feature film Freedom Writers, every student at Long Beach either dishes out racist comments or receives them. When all of the ‘unteachable’ students get integrated into the same class we see this clash of cultures collide. A racist caricature is drawn of one of the African-American students and the rest of the students find it amusing. Ms Gruwell takes the picture and compares it to the Jews during the holocaust. Erin was greeted with dumb-founded looks only to find out the kids didn’t know what the holocaust was yet they acted out their lives in a similar racist manner. This scene is shown by using close ups of Ms Gruwell and the victim of the caricature, Jamal. We see Ms Gruwell looking horrified and Jamal’s expression looking embarrassed. We are also shown mid-shots of the whole class to show their expressions and they seem amused and proud of themselves. Towards the end of the movie the students do not lash out any forms of racism at one another and instead treat each other as good friends. At the end of Freedom Writers, the students have accepted and value each other as individual people not of their cultural back ground. Ms Gruwell gained the respect she earned from devoting her life to teach these children. During this essay I have explored the movie Freedom Writers and how factors like gangs, respect and racism can have such an impact on peoples lives. It can change peoples values on life and their attitudes and behaviours towards things and that is what we draw from the film.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Answering Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Answering Questions - Assignment Example This lead to the triangular trade by the Portuguese that involved transporting slaves to Europe and bringing back produces of their labor to Africa. Atlantic slavery then continued in Africa and America until 1888 when Brazil abolished it. This trade however enabled Europeans build their capital base and saved the slaves from starvation in famine. It however undermined the dignity and welfare of Africans. The French revolution was brought about by the increased famine and malnutrition and privileges to the first class citizens while the North American was caused by their urge to have independence (Goucher and Walton). The Spanish American had conquered Portugal and Spain and had a great opportunity to carry out changes. However, the revolution in Haiti was as a result of enlightenment of slaves who then called for their rights. The Haiti and Americas cause of revolution was therefore significant in leading to a great economic development in the countries. The transition of revolution has therefore played an important role in taking the countries to great economies and societies with freedom of every citizen. The expansion of overseas trade, availability of capital and the social and political stability in Europe countries facilitated the industrial revolution in Europe. The need for raw materials and other resources for their industries from other countries however made these countries to use their powers to obtain resources. According to Goucher and Walton (2013), this is what linked the industrial revolution to the imperialism. The main factors that could have lead to new imperialism are the cultural beliefs that the whites westerner to make the blacks modernize and the social Darwinism that purports the destruction of weak races was natural to improve species of such races. These factors were not related but they were able to bring almost similar outcomes which were the colonization of the people
Friday, February 7, 2020
What are the causes of organisational change and is organisational Essay
What are the causes of organisational change and is organisational change necessarily good - Essay Example In addition, organization has to make adjustments because of changes that are happening. It is pointed out above that technological change has prompted individuals, firms and other users to adapt it. Discussion in the next paragraphs relates to causes of organizational changes and causes of success and failure of organizational change. Thereafter, the significant of organizational changes is also reviewed. Halkos and Bousinakis (2012) acknowledge that the change of organization is necessary for them to move closer to larger markets. Change is also important for organization to meet the demands of internal and external business surroundings. Effective change can make a company more competitive and expand its market share. According to the authors, organisational change is necessity brought forward by management so as to attain the requirements of a larger social-economic environment, with the use of organizational structures, behaviours and process targeting growth and advancement of the company. Modern organization have to embrace changes as pointed earlier above, technology has prompted many organisations to change. Adaptation and employment of new technologies is significant for any organisation that has to apply new materials, products, methods and processes. Additionally, the workers of the firm have to adapt to changes and update their skills every day. Furthermore, mergers, acquisition, globalization can make the organization to change. There are other factors such as social and political factors; these factors can make organisation change its processes. Some people have doubts regarding organisational change, however, Burnes and Jackson (2011) point out that the change is important in the current world. Adaptation to changes according to the authors makes an organisation survive for a longer time. Organisational change is vital it is quite difficult to achieve. This is because some
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Medical Marijuana Essay Example for Free
Medical Marijuana Essay Introduction: â€Å"Cannabis isn’t for everybody, but patients are entitled to pick and choose their own medicine.†Michelle Rainey (VanMusic, 2010, Pg. 1) Thesis: The prescription drug companies dispense medicines that are harmful and that is what I am here to change your minds about today. This will explore what Medical Marijuana can be used for, the lies you’ve been told about Marijuana and how corrupt the Pharmaceutical drug companies are. Body: I. Why is Marijuana medicine? 1) What THC does in our bodies (Wikipedia Cannabinoid Receptor, n. d., Pg.1) * Cannabinoid receptors are activated by 3 major groups of: Ligands, Endocannabinoids (found in the mammalian body) and Plant Cannabinoids (found in THC in plants). 2) What can Marijuana treat? (Wikipedia Medical Cannabis, n.d., Pg. 3) * Crones Disease, Glaucoma, Anorexia Nervosa, Huntington’s Disease, Arthritis, Epilepsy, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Distoria, A.I.D.S., H.I.V., Menstrual Cramps, Digestive Diseases, Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, Appetite Stimulant, Anxiety, P.M.S., Pruritus, Leukemia, Methicillin- Resistant Disease, Tourette Syndrome, Multiple Syntosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Bi- Polar Disorder, Tics, Insomnia, Psoriasis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Hepatitis C, Painkiller, Parkinson’s Disease, Depression, Asthma, Nausea. 3) How do you consume it? * Vaporizers * Bongs * Joints * Pipes * Bubblers * Food II. The lies around Marijuana use. 4) The Gateway Theory (Harvey B. -The Union, 2007, Documentary) * Harry Anslinger’s â€Å"Stepping Stone Theory†* â€Å"If you step on this stone Marijuana, then you are bound and determined to go onto the next stone, which would be one of the so called hard drugs.†* For every 104 Marijuana users, 1 uses Cocaine and less than 1 use Heroin. 5) Marijuana Kills Brain Cells (Harvey B. -The Union, 2007, Documentary) * The 1947 Dr. Heath/ Tulane Study * Monkeys were administered 30 Columbian strength Marijuana cigarettes everyday for 1 year. Brain damage was determined by counting the brain cells of the monkeys that were given the Marijuana and ones that has not. 6) Marijuana will kill you (Harvey B. -The Union, 2007, Documentary) * There has never been one recorded death that was directly attributed to Marijuana use. III. How Corrupt is the Pharmaceutical Companies? 7) Marinol (, n.d. Pg. 1)(Morrow A., 2009, Pg.1) * THC that has been synthetically reproduced as a prescription drug. * Nauseated or vomiting people cannot swallow pills. * Less dosage control/ Longer to release into system. * Costs $600-$1000 US per month. 8) Pharmaceutical Domination (Goldacre B., 2007, Pg.1)(Mercola, 2010, Pg.1) * In the UK the pharmaceutical trade is the third most profitable activity after finance. * In 2002, 10 US companies on the Fortune 500 list had combined international sales of $217 Billion. * GlaxoSmithKline sued the South African government for trying to supply A.I.D.S. victims with affordable medicines. * Johnson Johnson recently pleaded guilty to illegally promoting it’s epilepsy drug Topamax for psychiatric purposes. Conclusion: Now that you know the truth about how corrupt the pharmaceutical companies are, the lies you’ve been told about Marijuana and how it can be used medically. Next time you have an ache or pain consider smoking a joint before heading out to see the doc. References (n.d.). Medical Marijuana Myths vs Facts. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sucks!. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from Mercola. (2010, November 18). The Top 6 Drug Companies Thugs of the Medical World. Natural Health Articles Latest and Current Health News and Information by Dr. Mercola. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Goldacre, B. (2007, August 4). Evil ways of the drug companies | Science | The Guardian . Latest US news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian . Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Morrow, A. (2009, April 6). Marinol vs Marijuana Marijuana and Marinol. About Palliative Care Hospice and Palliative Care. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from Harvey, B. (Director). (2007). The Union The Business Behind Getting High [Documentary]. Canada: Eagle Entertainment. VanMusic. (2010, October 21). Pot Activist Dies After A Brave Battle With Cancer. VanMusic. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from Wikipedia. (n.d.). Medical cannabis Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from Wikipedia. (n.d.). Cannabinoid receptor Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Essay --
Alyssa Rhine English 10 Honors Mrs. Hayes A Perspective on Psychology Psychology is an ever growing field in today’s job field. Psychology comes from the Greek words â€Å"psych†meaning soul and â€Å"ology†meaning logic, it translates to â€Å"the science of the soul†(Ferguson). It was founded by a man named Wilhelm Wundt, he founded experimental psychology which later led to others discovering more in psychology Psychology is both a science and a profession, it is counted as a science because it’s about understanding people's behavior (Ferguson). Psychology is a great and interesting career choice for many generations Fields of Psychology In psychology there are many different fields for people, if you’re not interesting in one thing there will most likely be another option for you. The most common types of work in psychology is a clinical psychologist, health psychologists, neuropsychologists, counseling psychologists, developmental psychologists, forensic psychologists, industrial-organizational psychologists, school psychologists and social psychologists. A clinical psychologist asses, diagnoses, and treats people with emotional and behavioral disorders. These type of psychologist can treat short term personal life issues, to long term chronic issues such as, depression, eating disorders, schizophrenia and others. Sadly, a in a world we live in today these are found most common to teenagers and young adults. Some psychologist focus only on certain ages, an example is some people work with children only, or the elderly. ( Health Psychologists and Neuropsychologists go together in a way. A health psychologist study how health and illness affect a person’s life, they teach people and medical staff about on psychological is... ...ject. To be a psychologist you have to be a good listener and know how to relate to people’s problems as well as other things. Just like every job there are drawbacks, but don’t all jobs have some sort of drawbacks? Being a surgeon you make great money but there’s so much schooling involved and bad hours but in the end you do what you enjoy and all your hard work pays off. Work Cited Best Jobs for the 21st Century. Farr, Micheal and Shattkin, Laurence, PhD. Indianapolis; Just Works, 2009. Print. Ferguson. â€Å"Psychology.†Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocation Guidance. 2000 ed. Print. â€Å"Careers in Psychology.† N.p 2014. Web. 12/9/2013 â€Å"Skills of a Psychology Major.† Hogrefe & Huber Publishers. n.d. Web. 12/9/2013 â€Å"Psychologists† N.p. 1/8/2014. Web. 1/14/14
Monday, January 13, 2020
Carl Jung’s Theory concerning Personality Types Essay
This essay will give an introduction to Carl Jung and what started his research, the essay will discuss Carls Jung’s personality types and their characteristics and will also discuss the Myers Briggs type indicator. The essay will also discuss falsification of type as well as what Carl Jung believed to be the cure for falsification of type. Criticisms of personality type and MBTI will also be discussed and in conclusion this essay will discuss how we can use personality types and MBTI within our own work. Carl Jung & The Beginning of Personality Theory Carl Gustav Jung was born in Switzerland in 1875. His first choice of study was archaeology but he went to study medicine at the University of Basil and while working for the neurologist Krafft Ebing he settled on psychiatry. After graduating he took a position at the Burghoeltzli Mental Hospital, he also taught classes at the university in Zurich, had a private practice and invented word association. In 1907 Carl Jung met Freud in Vienna where the two are meant to have spent thirteen hours talking their friendship started off strong with Jung championing many Freudian ideas but over time their friendship began to deteriorate. Jung felt that Freud focused too much on sexuality and that Freud’s concept of the unconscious was too limited and negative. The official break up happened when Jung resigned from the international psychoanalytic congress. Then in 1913 Carl Jung had a dream, he dreamt that there was a monstrous flood engulfing Europe and lapping at the mountains of Switz erland. He saw thousands of people drowning and civilization crumbling. In the following weeks he continued to have disturbing dreams in which he dreamt of eternal winters and rivers of blood. Carl Jung thought he was becoming psychotic but on the 1st August WWI began and Jung felt there had been a connection between himself and the rest of humanity, thus began Jung’s painful journey of self-exploration which formed the basis for his theory’s. Personality Theory Attitudes & Functions Carl Jung determined that people act and react to stimulus and situations differently. He classified people into two different groups, depending on how they behaved. Jung called these two different groups attitudes and classified people as either extraverts or introverts; Extraverts – People who are extraverts are better able to deal with external stimulus such as people and objects. They search for things outside themselves to help fulfil them Introverts – People who are introverts are better able to deal with internal stimulus and look inside themselves for fulfilment. In addition to the two attitudes Jung further classified people into four functions types Sensory and Intuitive which refers to our preferred way of collecting information and Thinking and feeling which refers to the way we make decisions. Sensory – People who are more sensory tend to like specific answers and deal in facts and figures Intuitive – People who are more intuitive tend to p refer to gather information through ideas and theories. Thinking – People who are thinkers tend to prefer to make decisions based on scientific fact and concrete truths. Feeling – People who make decisions on their feelings, trust in their emotions and sensitivities. The four functions and two attitudes made up Carl Jung’s original personality types it was later expanded on and two more functions where added which deal with the way people live their lives these are judgers and perceivers ; Judges – Prefer to live in an orderly way and prefer structure and organisation. Perceivers – Prefer to live more spontaneously and are more adaptive. The theory was then used by Katharine Cook Brigg and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers who after studying Carl Jung’s work extensively turned the theory of psychological types to a practical use. They created the Myer Briggs indicator believing that knowledge of personality types would help woman during WWII who were entering the work place for the first time by identifying which jobs would be more comfortable and effective for them. MBTI focuses on a normal population and emphasizes the value of naturally occurring differences. The two attitudes and six functions types make up for sixteen different combinations which provides detailed characteristics and help us determine which of the types we belong to , each of us has a dominate function with the other three being less dominate. The combinations and some of the characteristics are as follows. ISTJ People who fit in this category tend to be quiet, serious and earn success by thoroughness and dependability. They value traditions and loyalty. ISFJ People who fit in this category tend to be quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. They strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home. INFJ People who fit in this category tend to seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. They want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. INTJ People who fit in this category tend to have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. They can be sceptical and independent. ISTP People who fit in this category tend to be tolerant and flexible they are quiet observers until a problem appears, then act quickly to find workable solutions to the problems that may arise. ISFP People who fit in this category tend to be quiet, friendly and sensitive. They like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. INFP People who fit in this category tend to be idealistic and are loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. INTP People who fit in this category tend to seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests them. Theoretical and abstract, they are interested more in ideas than in social interaction. ESTP People who fit in this category tend to be flexible and tolerant; they take a pragmatic approach and are focused on immediate results. ESFP People who fit in this category tend to be outgoing, friendly, and accepting. They are lovers of life, people, and material comforts. ENFP People who fit in this category tend to be enthusiastic and imaginative. They are spontaneous and flexible and often rely on their ability to improvise and or their language skills. ENTP People who fit in this category tend to be quick, clever and outspoken. They are good at reading other people and can easily become bored by routine. ESTJ People who fit in this category tend to be practical and realistic. They act decisively and move quickly to implement decisions. ESFJ People who fit in this category tend to be warm hearted. They want harmony in their environment and work hard to establish and maintain it. ENFJ People who fit in this category tend to be warm, empathetic and responsible. They are highly attuned to the emotions and needs of others. ENTJ People who fit in this category tend to be blunt and decisive they assume leadership readily. They are usually well informed and well read. â€Å"Jung noted that it is not possible to use the attitudes of Extraversion and Introversion and the Judging and Perceiving functions independently of each other. People who prefer Extraversion will most likely focus their Perception and Judgment in the outer world while people preferring the Introverted attitude, when circumstances permit, will concentrate Perception and Judgment on ideas.†Falsification of Type In our lives we are not always able to work or live in a way that appeals to our strengths. This can happen for a variety of reasons either we are brought up in environments that are unsuitable to our personality types and we adapt to suit the situation or we may be financially unable to follow a career path that would be best suited to our personality type. A person may also be unaware of their strengths and may just have a feeling that they are not living the life they were meant to. Carl Jung believed that if we do not live or work in a way that best suites our personality type then we could develop a falsification of type. This occurs when we are forced to use our less predominate functions for long periods of time. Carl Jung believed that falsification of type could lead to many psychological problems. Carl Jung described Falsification of Type as â€Å"a violation of the natural disposition,†and explained that whenever Falsification of Type takes place a person first becomes anxious and irritable and then if the condition continues a person becomes neurotic. Jung strongly believed that if there was a reversal of type it could be very harmful to the physiological well-being of a person and could often lead to an acute state of exhaustion. Research has been done which supports Jung’s theory and according to the research of Dr. Richard Haier of San Diego, when an individual is functioning from a style other than their natural lead style, the brain is forced to expend large amounts of energy trying to maintain the unnatural functions. The result is that the brain and brain-body system experience stress, chronic anxiety and exhaustion. Dr. Arlene Taylor worked with people suffering with PTSD and depression over an 11 year period and found that people living in a state of prolonged adaption appeared to display specific symptoms. There are eight commonly seen symptoms in people who appear to be suffering with a falsification of type theses are; 1) Fatigue – Prolonged adaption can require the brain to work up to 100 times harder. 2) Hyper vigilance – Prolonged adaption can create a state of hyper-vigilance as the brain goes on protective alertness. This is a safety mechanism and can show up in a variety of different ways 3) Immune System alteration – Falsifying Type can be thought of as the individual living a lie at some level. Lying can suppress immune system 4) Memory impairment – Cortisol, which is released under stress, can interfere with memory functions. 5) Altered brain chemistry – Prolonged adaption can interfere with hypothalamus and pituitary functions, which can interfere with hormonal balance. 6) Diminished frontal lobe functions – Prolonged adaption is a significant stressor, which can interfere with functions typically associated with the frontal lobes of the cerebrum. 7) Discouragement, fatigue and or depression – Prolonged adaption can lead to the repeated triggering of the conserve/withdraw reaction to stress. This can be especially true for introverted people although it is commonly observed in extroverted types who have been conditioned to introversion. This is far more common than most people (even researchers) believe. Discouragement tends to increase as fatigue increases, which often contributes to the development of depression 8) Self-esteem problems – .Any or all of the other symptoms can be contributed to diminished overall success in life, which directly affect self-esteem. Self-esteem issues can present as lack of confidence or lack of commitment to improving one’s outcomes Jung believed that the only way to cure falsification of type is to develop the functions and attitudes that people are naturally disposed towards. This is a long process where the sufferer will have to first identify their natural leanings and then work towards changing things within their lives so that their work, family and social lives’ are in balance with their natural strengths and attitudes. Criticisms of Personality Types & MBTI One of the main criticisms of personality types and the resulting MBTI is that it because it deals with the mind which is abstract it cannot be scientifically proven and that some of the personality types could be made to fit anyone as the use of the language and terms can be ambiguous. The MBTI also relies on a person answering questions about themselves and people may not be completely honest when answering those questions either because they are unaware of how they would react within a situation or that their perception of themselves is distorted. The way in which the questions are asked is also not specific so people may not know if the question is referring to the way they would react at work or the way they would react at home with friends and family. The MBTI also fails the double blind test in which participants do a test but are given a test done by someone else and asked if it fits them. Most of the participants find a way to make the results fit. One of the other arguments is that while it can be very useful in self-understanding it can also be used either intentionally or unintentionally to pigeonhole people. People are complex and fitting everyone into just sixteen different categories can limit peoples understanding of each other and themselves. It also could be used as an excuse for bad or inefficient behaviour. Conclusion Personality Types and the MBTI is still widely used today, the MBTI is used in company’s both big and small to understand and motivate staff and as a tool for management training. Personality Types and MBTI are also still used by therapist’s to understand their clients, as well as giving the therapist an idea of which therapeutic tools are best suited for each individual client. It can be used either by allowing the client to do a MBTI test that the therapist has acquired from a reputable source (not just a downloaded from the internet) or the therapist can lead a client through a process which will enable the therapist to discern which characteristics the client may lean towards. It is worth saying that an inexperienced therapist may face problems in trying to discern a client’s personality leanings without using a test or formal questions as it takes training and experience to be able to read a client effectively. Despite its critics personality types can be used as one of the tools a therapist can utilise to assist them in the treatment of clients as long as the therapist is aware of the potential problems with using the personality type or a MBTI test , such as pigeonholing a client into a specific category or allowing the client to use their personality type as an excuse or a crutch. Using the theory in balance with other treatments and being aware of some of the problems that may arise from using the personality types or a MBTI test can allow the therapist to approach the treatment of a client in a well-rounded and balanced way that is both beneficial and productive. References Author & publish date unknown MBTI type today Linda V. Berens and Dario Nardi, Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code C. George Boeree Copyright 1997, 2006 Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing Written by Sherry Buffington Monday, 14 May 2012 10:28 Jessica Phillips HUDDE2A 13 Jackie Bock Carl Jung Personality Types & MBTI
Sunday, January 5, 2020
William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet - 1549 Words
One of Shakespeare’s most eminent plays, Romeo and Juliet is a tale revolving around a pair of star-crossed lovers whose premature relationship must go undiscovered because of their feuding families. However, in the arduous process of protecting its secrecy, several essential figures including Romeo, Friar Lawrence and the theme of fate play decisive roles that hold responsibility in the turnout of events that lead to a tragic conclusion. Romeo, the lover himself is rebellious and desperate for love. His impulsive personality towards love and marriage establishes danger not only upon himself but as well as his partner Juliet. Friar Lawrence is well-regarded, but his rashness, ignorance, and ill-advised thinking place both lovers in†¦show more content†¦Romeo is at fault as he doesn’t consider the consequences that are to emerge from his actions. Secondly, Romeo engages in a duel against Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, in which Tybalt is left slayed (III.iii.10). As a punishment, Romeo is banned from Verona and must stay hidden. As a result, Juliet is compelled to ask for advice from Friar Lawrence. The plan created by the Friar is convoluted and ineffective as Romeo returns to Verona assuming Juliet is dead. His impatience personality is exhibited as he commits suicide without waiting for any explanation leaving Juliet with a desire to kill herself. Lastly, Romeo is a character in this blame game largely due to his impulsive personality. When Romeo goes to the Friar for advice, the Friar says, â€Å"Holy Saint Francis, what a change is here!/ Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear,/ So soon forsaken? Young men’s love the lies/ Not truly in their hearts, but in their eye†(II.ii.65-68). As understood from this quote, Romeo is quick to change his emotions and he is forcing himself to believe he is in love with Juliet when he is trying to get past Rosalind. His impulsive and forceful character is portrayed as he proposes marr iage to Juliet very early in their relationship. Even Romeo himself says, â€Å"Amen, amen! But come what sorrow can,/...Do thou but close our hands with holy words,/ Then
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